RF LTL Check Weight Screen
To check and update
the weight of pallets/Drop ID before sending to
Infor SPS:
RF Outbound
Menu > More > LTL Check
Specify or scan the
Drop ID for the weight, the select
The following LTLWGT2 screen will open:
- DrpID
- Drop ID which you entered on the previous screen.
- Ord#
- Shipment Order to which this Drop ID belongs.
- Load#
- Load Nubmer (in any) to which this Drop ID belongs.
- ExLd#
- External Load Number (in any) to which this Drop ID belongs.
- Qty
- Quantity of content in this Drop ID lowest unit of measure.
- Wgt
- System calculated weight. User can edit this weight if the actual weight is different than the system calculated weight.
- Specify Wgt, then click Enter to update the weight of this Drop ID.