Creating or modifying a load plan
To create a load plan:
- Select Outbound > Load Management > Load Creation. The Load Planning screen is displayed.
- Specify information in the appropriate fields to define the range of orders to view. Place the lower end of each range in the left column and the upper end of each range in the right column.
To retrieve the orders that fit the criteria, click
Note: You can remove unwanted data rows that were retrieved. This option removes the order from the current screen showing candidates to include on a load. To remove a row from the list, click the check box next to the record you want to remove; then from the Actions tab, click Remove Row.
Optionally, edit the following fields:
- Delivery Date
- Departure Time
- Route
- Stop
- Outbound Lane
- External Load ID
To apply lane data to selected records, click Actions and click Apply Lane
Note: This applies the outbound lane to an order if a lane has been defined for the customer in the Crossdock Lane Table. If there is not a match for the customer, the field remains blank.
- To apply an existing load schedule to the orders, click Actions and click Apply Load Schedule. The Select Schedule Type screen is displayed.
Select the schedule type (regular or holiday) from the drop-down
list and click
- To include an order in a load, you must define a route and stop for the order. If one does not exist, you can edit the order from the list view.
- If matching load schedule records are found, the application populates the route, stop departure time, and outbound lane fields with the values listed on the load schedule.
- If a load schedule record cannot be found for one or more of the orders, these fields are not updated.
- Applying load schedule records does not overwrite values that were in the order header field before applying the schedule.
- To create load ID records for the orders:
- Click the check box for any order records that are to be placed on Loads.
Click Actions and click Create Load ID Records.
- To include an order in a load, you must define a route and stop. If an order that has a route and stop defined does not exist, you can select the order from the list view and edit the order.
- A load ID is created for any order with a unique route that is not currently assigned to a load ID in Open or In Process status. Therefore, multiple load records can be created by the system simultaneously.
- Orders with a route assigned to a load in Open or In Process status are added to the existing load ID. If the order is assigned to a route that is on an existing load in Loaded or Shipped status, the order is assigned to a new load ID.
- Load IDs can also be created manually on the Load Maintenance screen.
- Load tasks are created during the Allocation process. When Shipment Orders that have already been allocated are added to a Load, the system creates all of the necessary load tasks so the warehouse can load the newly added units.