Updating load header information

To update an existing load:

  1. From the Load Management (LDM) menu, click Create/Update. The Add/Update Load (ML1) screen is displayed.
  2. Specify at least one of the following to select the load to update.
    Load Number
    Specify the load ID that the system assigns.
    Trailer #
    Specify the trailer number if a trailer number is assigned.
    Door #
    Specify the current door number.
    Based on the information you enter, the system searches load records to find the current open loads that match your criteria.
  3. The Add/Update Load (ML2) screen is displayed.

    Specify this information.

    Ship To
    Specify the customer to whom to ship the order. Specify the customer code or press F2 to select from a list of customers.
    Specify the external or alternate load ID. The system supplies this value the load links to a shipment on another system.
    Specify the trailer number. You must enter a value here to begin the load process.
    Tr Type:
    Specify the trailer type for the load. Specify a valid type or press F2 to select from a list of available trailer types.
    Specify the door number for the location to which to load the trailer.
    Specify the route number assigned to the load if one exists.
    Specify the carrier for the load. Specify the carrier code or press F2 to select from a list of carriers.
    Specify Open for the status of the load. Use this field only to update the status from New to Open.
    Note: If the HARDERRORDURINGLOADING parameter is enabled on the System Setting screen, an error message is displayed when and an item configured with End-to-End Serial, Outbound Catch Weight, or Outbound Catch Data. This error is displayed if you do not specify catch data on the Catch Weight/Data tab of the Shipment Order menu in the WMS application.
    Departure Time
    Specify the date and time for the load to depart. Use the in hh:mm:ss format for the time.