Replenishment details
Replenishment tasks are dynamically generated based on any transaction that could occur, such as moving items out of a location, adjusting, shipping, and so on. The application checks the SKUxLOC table to see which locations need to be replenished. For example, if pick zone A contains 200 pick locations, Infor WMS Warehouse Management regenerates a list of all pick locations in zone A that require replenishment every time a transaction occurs.
The replenishment priority is based on the ordered quantity. Locations that do not have enough items to fill orders are scheduled for replenishment before those with enough stock to meet the shipment requirements. A minimum UOM is required before a replenishment task is triggered. For example, a full case or pallet is needed before dispatching a replenishment task. A full case is determined by the pack on the item record.
For both RF-assisted and RF-directed (Task Manager) replenishment, the replenishment tasks are given first by highest priority, and then by location in alphanumeric order. Using RF-assisted replenishment, all replenishments are given for a particular zone or the whole warehouse, and you have the option to scroll them and select a replenishment task. For Task Manager replenishment tasks, you are given one replenishment task to perform and no choices.