Understanding the demand replenishment with speed picking process flow
The demand replenishment with speed picking flow includes:
- Create a Speed Pick Group strategy and assign the strategy to an item.
- Create a Replenishment strategy and assign the strategy to an item.
- Wave - Demand Type
- Create a group of orders that require speed picks and demand replenishments.
- Use the Speed Pick Group strategy assigned to the item to determine which speed pick location to use if the item does not already have one assigned.
- Allocate - If allocating by lottables or if the Force One Lot per Speed Pick field is selected on the Speed Pick strategy, allocation creates one speed pick location per lot needed to fulfill the order.
- When a replenishment is triggered, the Replenishment strategy assigned to the item is used to find the source location to replenish from.
- Replenishments are then completed to the Speed Pick location before the picks are released.