Receive by each piece scan

You can use the RF Receiving Menu > Each Piece Scan to scan item or EAN number for each quantity against an ASN and LPN or box ID. With this menu option, you can continuously scan items until you confirm that the quantity for the scanned LPN or box ID is completed or reach the allotted quantity allowed. With each scan, the count increases and the total count is updated as received quantity for the corresponding detail line of the ASN.

On the Each Piece Receiving REP01 screen, you specify the ASN and LPN or box ID before scanning the item or EAN number. Based on the scanned information, the Item, Description, Pack, UOM, and Quantity information is displayed. For each subsequent scan, the Quantity field is increased by one.

Use the Each Piece Scan option to perform these tasks:

  • Scan each unit of an item into predefined LPN or box IDs or generic LPN or box IDs
  • Scan one or more items for a scanned LPN or box ID
  • Restrict the LPN or box IDs not attached to an ASN detail through receipt validation
  • Control the restriction of receiving different items into the same LPN or box ID
  • Control the restriction of receiving different lottables into a single LPN or box ID
  • Capture lottables for each piece of an item, capture lottables for an item only once for all units of scan for a particular item, or capture lottables for each unit that is scanned
  • View summary of scanned items and corresponding quantities at any point while receiving items

In Infor WMS, you can use these two options to control how items can be received for scanning:

  • LPN not on ASN for Each Piece Scanning: This option is located on the Receipt Validation page. You can use this option to control the restriction of the LPNs that are not attached to an ASN based on these selections:
    • Allow: If selected, then you can scan any generic LPN and continue the process,
    • Warning: If selected and you enter an LPN that does not match the ASN detail line's LPN, then a warning message is displayed. If you click Yes, then the generic LPN entered is allowed and you can enter a location. If you click No, then you must scan or enter a different LPN or box ID.
    • Hard Error: If selected and you enter an LPN that does not match the ASN detail line's LPN, then an error message is displayed. If you click OK, then you must scan or enter a different LPN or box ID.
  • Capture Lottables with Each Piece scan: This option is located on the Lottable Validation page. You can use this option to control the scanning process of lottables for each unit of an item or the capture of lottables at once for each scanned item. If this option is selected, then you must enter lottables for every unit. If this option is not selected, then you must scan only once to enter the lottables for the item scanned.