Adding a vendor compliance strategy

You can add a vendor compliance strategy containing questions for any Ship From trading partner (Supplier) in the system.

To add a vendor compliance strategy:

  1. Within the facility level, select Configuration > Strategies > Vendor Compliance from the WMS menu. The Vendor Compliance list view displays.
  2. Click New. The Vendor Compliance Strategy screen displays with general header fields on the top portion of the screen and strategy detail fields on the bottom portion of the screen.
  3. Specify the header information:
    Vendor Compliance Strategy
    Identifying name of the strategy (required field).
    Description of the strategy (required field).
    Create Indirect Activity Type Record
    Check box that determines if an indirect activity record is created (checked) or not created (not checked).
    Indirect Activity Type
    Drop down list of available indirect activity types.
  4. Specify the strategy detail information:
    Automatically generated sequence number for a vendor compliance question. Initial default sequence number value is 10 with each new sequence added for the strategy incremented by 10. (Required field)
    Question Category
    Select the category area associated with the vendor compliance question. The default value is no selection/blank field.
    Vendor Compliance Question
    Type in the specific vendor compliance question. (Required field)
    Answer Type Format
    Select the applicable answer format from the drop-down list. (Required field)
  5. Click Save. The new strategy is created and the first vendor compliance question for the strategy displays in the Detail list on the bottom portion of the screen.
    • If you want to create another vendor compliance question for the strategy, click the New button in the details (bottom) area of the screen.
    • If you want to delete a vendor compliance question, click the check box next to the question within the list you want to delete and click the Delete button in the details (bottom) area of the screen.
    • If you want to export the vendor compliance questions to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click the Export to Excel button in the details (bottom) area of the screen.