Adding an ASN/Receipt without a PO
If a PO has not been specified for the inbound order, you can manually specify all information into the ASN/Receipt form.
A system-generated ASN Number is automatically created. This number can be changed to a non-sequential value. For example, you can add a letter or name. If the number is changed to a sequential number that has not yet been used by the system, it could cause duplication errors, resulting in system termination.
Note: You can use the Excel Import and Export features to create or update ASNs. With the
Import feature, you can import, at a minimum, only the fields required to create an ASN;
or you can import additional data into other ASN fields. With the Export feature, you
can export all of the ASN data to an Excel worksheet. For additional information on the
Import and Export features, see the Infor WMS Introduction and Navigation User
To add an ASN/Receipt directly on a workstation without a PO: