Closing an ASN

You can close an ASN directly on a workstation to review discrepancies following receipt. Closing an ASN prevents future activities against it.

To set the application to close an ASN automatically after the receipt is completed:

  1. Select Configuration > Trading Partner > Owner.
  2. Display a list and select an owner.
  3. On the Owner Detail screen, click the Processing tab.
  4. Select the Allow Auto Close ASN field, select Yes.
  5. Select Inbound > ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen is displayed in List view.
  6. To display a list, use the Search feature.
  7. Select an ASN.
  8. Select Actions and click Close ASN/Receipt. The application changes the status of all selected ASNs to Closed.
    Note: Attempting to edit a closed ASN results in an error message.