Adding an ASN/Receipt by using existing PO or POs

When creating an ASN, you can add a PO or multiple POs to the ASN. Once you select an existing PO or multiple existing POs, the system automatically updates fields within the ASN and adds the selected PO records into the ASN/Receipt details.

To add an ASN/Receipt by using an existing PO or multiple existing POs:

  1. Select Inbound > ASN/Receipt The ASN/Receipt screen is displayed in List view.
  2. Click New. The ASN/Receipt and ASN/Receipt Detail screens are displayed.
  3. Select Actions and click Populate from PO. The Purchase Order selection screen is displayed.
    Note: If the POPULATEASNPOBG parameter is enabled on the System Settings screen, and when you click the Populate from PO option, the Creating a new ASN from PO is only available from the ASN's list view error message is displayed.
  4. Click Search. The list of existing purchase orders is displayed.
  5. Select one or more POs in the list and click OK. The ASN/Receipt fields are updated with information from the selected PO or POs.
  6. In the Trailer Number field, specify the trailer number. The Trailer and Trailer Status screens are updated with this information.
    • If required for the items on the receipt, click the Carrier tab and specify the average temperature of the trailer in the Temperature field.
  7. Check the line items in the ASN/Receipt Detail List and change them as necessary.
  8. To view lottable attributes, click the Lottables tab on the ASN/Receipt Detail screen.
  9. Click Save.