Adding billing charge information on ASN orders

To add charge information:

  1. Select a warehouse and then select WMS > Inbound > ASN/Receipt.
  2. Use the Search feature to find a specific ASN/Receipt order.
  3. Click on the Charge Information tab.
    The charge information from the owner Billing Charge Codes tab (Configuration > Trading Partner > Owner > Billing Charge Codes) is displayed.
  4. Review the charge information displayed.
    • If a charge should be created for the charge code displayed, click the Create Charge field.
    • If the charge should not be created then click the Create Charge field and remove the check mark.

    POSITIVE CONTROL – If the Create Charge flag is checked, billing will attempt to create the charge. This is the only REQUIRED control. If this box is checked, but no other information is entered, billing will attempt to create the charge for the listed charge code. This assumes that billing is set up to create a charge for that charge code.

    NEGATIVE CONTROL – If the charge code line appears, and the flag is not checked, billing will NOT create a charge for that charge code for that transaction or line.

    This allows the flag to be used to turn off charges that billing would normally create automatically. In that case, the flag would normally be set up with a default for the OWNER to Y, and then the user could uncheck the box to turn off the charge for that transaction or transaction line.

  5. Update the Charge UOM field, if necessary.
    This is the unit of measure used to calculate the billing charge. In order to enter the UOM, there must also be a Quantity and Rate entered. This is because changing the UOM would cause problems with the process the billing module uses to determine quantity and rates. So, the UOM can only be used if we are sending ALL of the required elements to create the charge to billing. (CHARGE CODE, QUANTITY, UOM, RATE).
  6. Update the Charge Quantity field, if necessary.

    The quantity field allows the user to enter a charge quantity. This is an optional field. If it is left blank, the billing configuration will attempt to determine the quantity based on the Billing Contract setup. If a value is supplied here, the quantity will be used for the charge, and would override any quantity that the billing module would have selected automatically. Validation that a number is entered, value should be greater than zero.

  7. Update the Charge Rate, if necessary.

    The rate is similar to the Quantity field. It allows the user to enter a charge rate. This is an optional field. If it is left blank, the billing module will attempt to determine the rate based on the Billing Contract setup. If a value is supplied here, the rate will be used for the charge and would override any rate that the billing module would have selected automatically.

  8. Update the Charge Comment field, if necessary.

    The charge comment allows you to enter a note that will pass through to the billing system as a note on the charge. This can then be included on reports from billing, as well as invoice, etc. If a charge is set to create a charge but no quantity, UOM, or rate information is included, a note can still be entered here, which will be attached to the charge the billing module will create for that line.

  9. Click Save.
  10. Once all of the charge information has been reviewed and updated, click Bill Check. The Bill Check Date and the Bill Check By fields are updated, and the charge information is available for billing.