Exploding a line into multiple lines

This feature converts a specified receipt line into multiple lines based on the pack code for the item and assigns an LPN to each line. Define an LPN prefix and LPN length for the owner at the Warehouse level. You can optionally print LPN labels for each pallet.

For example, if you receive a single line with five pallets, you can explode the receipt into five sequentially numbered lines each with a unique, sequentially numbered LPN. In this example, if you explode line 1, line 1 is replaced by line numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

To explode a line on a receipt:

  1. Select Inbound > ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen is displayed in List view.
    To display a list, use the Search feature.
  2. Select the ASN/Receipt associated with the arriving load. The ASN/Receipt Detail screen is displayed in List view.
  3. Select the line that you want to explode.
  4. Select Actions.
    1. To explode the line, click Explode.
    2. To explode the line and print an LPN label for each line, click Explode and Print Labels.
      Note: If the GROUPLBLFILESEXPLODEPRNT parameter is enabled on the System Settings screen:
      • A single label file containing all label files for each exploded item is generated.
      • The lpn_ui labels are printed in the ASN detail order, if you select the printer and click Print.
  5. Click Save.