Creating an ASN from list view

To initiate the ASN creation process from the list view without navigating into ASN screen:

  1. Select Inbound > ASN/Receipt. The ASN/Receipt screen is displayed.
  2. Select Actions.
  3. Click Create New ASN from PO. A window is displayed to select a purchase order.
    Note: The Create New ASN from PO option is displayed only when the POPULATEASNPOBG parameter is enabled on the System Settings screen.
  4. Click Search. The list of existing purchase orders is displayed.
  5. Select the purchase order for which you require to generate ASN.
  6. Click OK. The job request is submitted.
This message is displayed after clicking OK:
Job was submitted, please check the status on the Background Job status screen.
  • The system displays an alert message with process handle ID reference number. You can use this reference number to verify status of the request on the Background Job Process Review screen, which can be accessed from the Administration menu.
  • This error message is displayed if you click the Populate from PO option to create new ASN from a purchase order:
    Creating a new ASN from PO is only available from the ASN's list view
  • You can only update the existing ASNs using the Populate from PO option from ASN Detail View screen.