Completing an RF-assisted putaway for a single ID

To complete RF-assisted putaway for a single ID:

  1. From the RF device Main menu, select Putaway.
  2. Select Standard LPN. The Putaway (PA03A) screen is displayed.
  3. Specify this information:
    License Plate Number for the product to be put away.

    Other fields that can be configured for input on the screen.

    Owner of the item.
    Lot number for the item.
    Item or product to be put away.
    From location
    Location from which the item is to be moved.
    Quantity of items to be moved. If you enter zero, the system puts away the entire quantity associated with the License Plate Number (LPN).
    Pack code for the item.
    Unit of measure for the item.
    Reference field. Tracks the move transaction in the Source field on the Inventory Transactions screen. For example, it could be used to track a custom's bond number or a control number for future reference.
  4. To accept, press Enter.
  5. Confirm this information:
    To location for the item (putaway destination).
  6. To complete the task, press Enter.
    Note:  You can override the suggested location by confirming to a different location if necessary.