Completing an RF-assisted putaway by item

If license plates are not being used for product that has been received, you must input the item number to initiate the putaway. To complete RF-assisted putaway for a single ID:

  1. From the RF device Putaway menu, select Putaway by Item. The Putaway Item (PA03I) screen is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    Item number or an alternate item number.
    Quantity to be put away.

    Other fields that can be activated for input on the screen.

    Location from which the item is to be moved (standard RF screen defaults assume that the product should be put away from the STAGE location.)
    Unit of measure for the item.
  3. When the confirmation screen is displayed, scan or input the suggested location to complete the putaway transaction.
    Note: You can override the suggested location by confirming to a different location if necessary.
  4. After completing the putaway for the selected LPN, you are returned to the MPP2 screen to choose the next LPN for putaway.