Auto Move Strategy Scenario 2
Step 1
Field | Value |
Auto Move Criteria | Temperature |
Operator | > |
Value 1 | 32 |
Value 2 | blank |
Length of Time | 10 |
Element | Days |
Task Type | Putaway |
Putaway Strategy | FRZ |
Auto Move Strategy Scenario 2 - Explanation
- System checks if temperature is greater than 32 degrees (Fahrenheit) upon receiving the Item and LPN. The system checks the temperature at receiving of the Item/LPN to determine if it is greater than 32 degrees and if the LPN where the quantity is greater than zero against the Expiration Date to see if the To Expire Days is >= 30 (greater than or equal to 30). Both have to pass the criteria for this step to be executed
- The receipt temperature
is > 32 and
To Expire Days is >=30.
System creates a task detail with task type of Putaway in Pending status and populates the Auto Move Strategy and Step. The Priority is also updated to the Auto Move Strategy step priority.
- User accepts the Putaway
Task from Step 1 in the Auto Move Strategy above.
The system checks Auto Move Strategy and Step for the Putaway Strategy to determine the putaway location. For this scenario, the PUTAWAYSTRAGY is FRZ.
- LPN is in the STAGE
location (for this scenario), which is in the RECEIVING zone.
The putaway strategy for step 1: If From Zone = RECEIVING then putaway using To Zone = FREEZER. The putaway strategy would then search the FREEZER zone for an available location.
- User completes the putaway task. The system checks the Auto Move Strategy and Step on the task has any more steps that need to be evaluated
- For this scenario, there
are no more steps.
The system creates a putaway task with Held by System status and uses the Putaway Strategy assigned to this item. The system also populates the task detail release date based on the current time (Time Element and Length of Time.