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Infor WMS Putaway User Guide
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Putaway overview
Serial number tracking
Labor Management
Using RF-assisted and RF-directed putaway
Common examples
RF-assisted Putaway
RF-assisted putaway overview
RF-assisted putaway process
Putaway strategy
Completing an RF-assisted putaway for a single ID
Completing an RF-assisted putaway with multiple IDs
Variation to multiple-ID putaway
Completing an RF-assisted putaway by item
Completing an RF-assisted putaway from a different location
Splitting putaway tasks for assigned pick location
Splitting putaway tasks from different location
RF-directed Putaway
RF-directed putaway overview
RF-directed putaway process
Putaway configuration
Putaway strategy
Auto Move strategy
Auto Move Strategy Scenario 1
Auto Move Strategy Scenario 2
Auto Move Strategy Scenario 3
Auto Move Strategy Scenario 4
Owner screen
Create PA Task on RF Receipt
Calculate putaway location
Default putaway strategy
Creating user permissions
Item screen configuration
Manually generating an RF-directed putaway task
Configuring Task Manager to use PALBLDDONE
Generating a putaway task on the Receiving screen using PALBLDDONE
Completing an RF-directed putaway for a single pallet task putaway
Completing an RF-directed putaway for multiple pallets
Splitting putaway tasks using task manager
RF-directed putaway verification methods
Check digit verification sample
Putaway Trace
Generating a putaway trace report
Paper-based Putaway Tasks
ASN/Receipt paper-based putaway updates
Generating paper-based putaways
Viewing putaways
Printing a putaway report
Confirming putaway completion
Viewing updated tasks
Printing putaway labels
Using productivity features with paper-based picking
Mixed Pallet Putaway
Performing multiple-item putaways
Configuring mixed license plate putaway
Verifying system setting for mixed license plate putaway
Defining valid Putaway Class codes
Configuring item records for mixed pallet putaway
Creating a putaway strategy for mixed item license plates
Configuring owner records for mixed pallet putaway
Receiving process for mixed license plate putaway
Rainbow pallet putaway
Configuring owner records for rainbow pallet putaway
RF-assisted rainbow pallet putaway process flow
RF-directed rainbow pallet putaway flow
Receiving rainbow pallets
Receiving scenario: System flow
Receiving product for rainbow pallet putaway
Putting away rainbow pallets
Putaway scenario: System flow
RF-assisted rainbow pallet putaway
Generating a putaway task for rainbow pallet putaway
Task generation: Process flow
Generating a putaway task
Performing RF-directed rainbow pallet putaways
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