Auto Move Strategy Scenario 1

To setup Scenario 1, complete each step and specify this information in the appropriate fields on the Auto Move page.

Step 1

Field Value
Auto Move Criteria Temperature
Operator >
Value 1 32
Value 2 blank
Length of Time 10
Element Days
Task Type Putaway
Putaway Strategy FRZ

Step 2

Field Value
Auto Move Criteria To Expire Days
Operator BETWEEN
Value 1 10
Value 2 20
Length of Time 1
Element Days
Task Type Move
Putaway Strategy TOXP

Step 3

Field Value
Auto Move Criteria None
Operator blank
Value 1 32
Value 2 none
Length of Time 1
Element Days
Task Type Putaway
Putaway Strategy STD4

Auto Move Strategy Scenario 1 - Explanation

  1. System checks if temperature is greater than 32 degrees (Fahrenheit) upon receiving the Item and LPN.
  2. Receipt temperature is > 32.

    A task detail is created with a Putaway task type and Pending status. Priority is also populated with the Auto Move Strategy step priority.

  3. User accepts the Putaway Task from Step 1 in the Auto Move Strategy above.

    The system evaluates the Auto Move Strategy and Step number on the task detail to determine putaway location. In this scenario, Putaway Strategy FRZ should be used.

  4. The LPN is currently in the STAGE location which is in the RECEIVING zone.

    The putaway strategy has a step 1 of: 'If From Zone = RECEIVING then putaway using To Zone = FREEZER. For this putaway strategy the system searches the FREEZER zone for an available location.

  5. User completes the putaway task.

    The system checks the Auto Move Strategy and Step on the task detail to determine if more steps must be evaluated.

    In this scenario, more steps must evaluated, so the system checks the LPN where the Quantity is greater than zero against the Expiration Date (Lottable05) to check if the To Expire Days entry is between 10 and 20.

  6. The Expiration Date entry is between 10 and 20.

    A task detail is created with task type of Move and Held by System status. The task detail release date will be populated based on the current time (Time Element and Length of Time).

  7. Designated task detail release date has reached the Move.

    The system updates the Move task from Held By System to a Pending status.

  8. User accepts the Move Task from Step 2 in the Auto Move Strategy above.

    The system checks the Auto Move Strategy and Step on the task detail and to determine the putaway location. The PUTAWAYSTRAGY for this step is TOXP.

  9. LPN is currently in the FRZ01 location (for this scenario), which is in the FREEZER zone.

    The putaway strategy for step 1: If From Zone = FREEZER then putaway using To Zone = COOLER. The putaway strategy then searches the COOLER zone for an available location.

  10. User completes the Move task.

    The system checks the Auto Move Strategy and Step on the task detail to determine if more steps must be evaluated. In this case there are more steps.

  11. The system finds more to execute.

    Step 3 creates a task detail with task type of Move and Held by System status. The Auto Move Strategy and Step populates, and the release date will be populated based on the current time (Time Element and Length of Time).

    When this task is executed, it will use the STD4 Putaway Strategy to determine the To Location.

  12. Designated task detail release date of the Move task has been reached.

    The system updates the Move task from Held By System to a Pending status.

  13. User completes the Move task.

    The system will check the Auto Move Strategy and Step on the task detail has any more steps that need to be evaluated.

  14. For this scenario, there are no more steps.

    The system creates a putaway task with Held by System status and uses the Putaway Strategy assigned to this item. The system also populates the task detail release date based on the current time (Time Element and Length of Time.