Payroll processing
The payroll process provides functionality that allows you to extract labor data to use with processes outside of WM. The payroll process extracts payroll data and exports the data to an XML file to use with your payroll system. The process also collects daily labor data and sends the data through ION to the business vault to use with reporting programs. You can send data to the business vault even if the payroll extract is not required.
Payroll processing extracts the data from approved timesheets. Timesheets track clock-in and clock-out times and time spent on user assignments for office, RF, and desktop workers. To ensure that the data is correct, supervisors must approve the timesheets. Only approved timesheets are included in the extraction or collection of data for the business vault. To add additional hours after the data is extracted, create a new timesheet record.
To use payroll processing, perform these setup tasks:
- Define payroll periods at the enterprise level. When supervisors approve timesheets for a payroll period, the system automatically creates additional periods as defined in the Payroll Periods screen. You can define the number of additional future payroll periods the system automatically creates. See Creating payroll periods in the Infor WMS Configuration User Guide.
- On the Facility screen, Labor Management tab, specify payroll processing information. The payroll extraction and labor data collection are performed for each facility. See Configuring a Facility in the Infor WMS Configuration User Guide.
- Create a job within the . We recommend that you create the job with these details:
Name | Payroll Process |
Scheduler Level | Within the Enterprise level ( | ) when Scheduler is selected.
Schedule | Daily |
Method | MainPayrollProcess |
Facility | ALL= Process payroll periods for all
Facility Code = Process payroll periods for one facility |
Number of periods | Number of additional payroll periods created after supervisors approve existing timesheets |
Business Vault | SKIPBV = Skip the export to the business vault when payroll data is re-extracted |