Configuring voice properties

To configure voice properties:

  1. Select Configuration > Productivity > Area. The Area screen is displayed.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To display a list, use the Search feature, and then select the area that you want to view.
    • To create a new area, click New.
  3. On the Area Detail screen, click the Voice Properties tab.
  4. From the Voice Properties list, select Properties.
  5. Specify this information:
    Allow Voice Picking
    When set to yes, voice is turned on in that area.
    Allow User to Skip Locations
    This determines whether a picker can skip locations during the picking process.
    Re-pick of Skipped Locations Allowed
    This determines whether the voice system retrieves the skipped locations at the end of the picking assignment.
    Spoken Container Validation
    This determines what the voice system should say from the container to an operator when the operator is picking an assignment.
    Speak Location and/or Item Description
    This determines what the voice system should say to an operator, the item’s location, the item’s description, or both, when the operator is picking an assignment.
    Spoken Work Identifier
    This is the indicator that determines whether the voice system speaks the shipment order number for every pick.
    Maximum # of Work IDs
    This is the maximum number of assignments a picker can work at one time.
    Pick Prompt to Operator
    This determines how the system gives the pick prompt to the operator. Multiple Prompts means that the terminal gives a location prompt, after which the operator gives the check digits, and a quantity-to-pick prompt.
    A Single Prompt means that the terminal gives the location and quantity to pick, no matter how many items the operator picks, before waiting for the operator to give the check digits. Single Prompt, Suppress Quantity 1 means that the terminal gives the location and, if the operator picks more than one item, the quantity to pick.
    The prompt can include the work identifier depending on the setting in the Allow Speaking Work Identifier field. The slot identifier can include the slot, description, or both, depending on the pick setting of location/description.
    Type of Delivery Prompt
    This is the indicator that determines the type of delivery prompt for that area. Prompt Delivery Location means that the terminal prompts the operator with the delivery location and waits for the operator to say ready.
    Prompt and Validate Delivery Location means that the terminal prompts the operator with the delivery location and waits for the operator to confirm it by saying the delivery location and ready.
    None means that the terminal does not prompt the operator with delivery information.
    Allow Voice Picking
    Speak Leading Zeros determines whether the leading zeros are spoken to the user for the shipment order number or case ID.
    Sign Off Allowed
    This is the indicator that determines whether an operator can sign off an assignment before completing and delivering it. The task allows the operator to sign off at many points, but the operator can only sign off at those points if this option is set to Yes.
    Verify Quantity Placed in Container
    This determines if the operator must verify the quantity that the operator is putting into the container.
    Drop ID Required
    This determines if the drop ID is required, optional, or not allowed for each pick.
    Verify Quantity Picked
    This determines if the operator must verify the quantity of each pick.
    Container Method
    This determines whether the picks should go into a case ID.
    The system-directed container method informs the picker of the case ID where the picks should be put with the prompt, Put (picked qty) in {caseid}. The voice device then waits for a response based on the Validate Case ID value. No task detail pick quantities are combined. Each task detail is spoken to the selector.
    Do Not Pick to Containers does not prompt the operator with any case ID information. The task detail pick quantities are combined for the same order, SKU, location, lot, and UOM. This summed quantity is spoken as a single quantity to the selector.
    Notify Operator of Case ID Change
    This is currently reserved for future development in the product.
    Allow Multiple Containers per Work ID
    This is currently reserved for future development in the product.
    Summary Prompt Type
    At the beginning of the assignment before the picker is sent to an area the picker hears work ID. The picker must say ready for each shipment order, if normal assignment or pick by order, or each case ID. if pick by case ID. If this value is set to No prompt, no information is given to the picker before selection begins.
    Validate Case ID
    If this field is checked, set to yes, then the picker is required to scan or speak, the last n digits based on the value in Spoken Validation Length, the case ID after being prompted to put the pick quantity into the case ID. If this field is not checked, set to No, then the user must speak ready after being prompted to put the pick quantity into the case ID. This option is ignored if not picking to containers.

    If this field is checked, set to yes, then after the picker is told to put on {drop ID} the picker is required to scan or say the drop ID. If the picker is saying the drop ID, the number of digits required to speak is based on the value in the Spoken Container Validation Length field. If this field is not checked, set to No, then if prompted to put in the drop ID, the picker says ready.

    Allow User to Skip Locations
    This determines whether a picker can skip locations during the picking process.
  6. Click Save.