Answering equipment checks strategy questions on an RF device

When you log on to equipment or change from one equipment item to another piece of equipment, you may be presented with equipment checks questions. If the equipment check selection within the system settings is turned on and there is an equipment checks strategy tied to the equipment ID, you must respond to the displayed equipment checks questions.

To answer the equipment check questions on an RF device:

  1. After you specify the equipment ID when you log in or when you change equipment and press Enter, the initial equipment check question displays on the Eqmt Questions (EMQ1) screen.
  2. Specify an answer in the Answer/Reply field.
  3. Press F3 or Enter to update your response to the system. The Eqmt Questions (EMQ1) screen is displayed with the next question, if applicable.
  4. Continue to answer each remaining question by specifying your response and pressing either F3 or Enter to update the system.