Adding a folder to Scanned folders list

As detailed in previous sections, label xml files are placed in a folder specified in the WM_LABEL_PRINT property of config.xml. This folder must be scanned by Loftware Label Manager to print labels.

To add a folder to scan folders listed in the Loftware Label Manager:

  1. Open the LPS Configuration utility by Loftware.
  2. If the Loftware print server is running, stop it.
  3. Click Add and browse to the folder where you want to scan for labels.
  4. Select the XML Files, Assign Directory to Device, and Enable Polling check boxes.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Apply and then click OK.

    The Infor WMS application labels that are shipped with the base installation are intended for the Intermec Easy Coder 4420 Label Printer.

    • After recompiling, it may be necessary to reformat the label so that it fits.
    • As a prerequisite, this process uses LLMWIN Design (Loftware Label Manager) with an activation key that allows newly-compiled files to save properly.