Configuring a custom report

To create a custom report:

  1. Create the custom pick list or packing list, as required, using the supported reporting tool.
  2. Select WMS > Administration > Print Management > Report Configuration. The Reports Configuration screen is displayed.
  3. Click New to open the Reports Configuration detail view.
  4. Specify this information:
    Report ID
    A unique ID for a report.
    Report Title
    Title of the report.
    General functional grouping for the report. For custom Pick and Pack list, the category is ‘Order Processing’.
    Default Printer
    Default Printer for this report. Should be configured in WMS.
    Print Options
    Print Options for the report:
    • 1: Display Only
    • 2: Display and Print
    • 3: Print Only
    Report Type
    For Custom Pick List, use the type as ‘Pick List’ and for custom Packing list, use the type as ‘Packing List’.
    Report URL
    The complete URL for this report.
  5. Click Save.