Changing status to picked
- Select Outbound > Shipment Order. The Shipment Order screen is displayed in List view.
- To display a list of shipment orders, use the Search feature.
- Select a shipment order that successfully allocated. The shipment order is displayed.
- Click the Pick Detail tab.
- Click the status list and change the status (Printed, Released, or Normal) to Picked.
Save. The Pick Line and
Inventory Balance changes are updated.
Note: Updating the status to Picked from the workstation updates inventory the same as RF picking updates inventory. These updates include:
- The inventory is moved to the To Location specified on the pick record.
- The picked inventory is
potentially moved to a new license plate.
- If a full license plate is picked, the original license plate continues to be used. In this case, a new license plate is not created.
- If a drop ID is assigned to the pick detail record prior to changing the status, the drop ID becomes the license plate in inventory.
- If a drop ID is not assigned, the case ID created during allocation becomes the license plate in inventory.
- A Move inventory transaction is
created to track the move to the new license plate and location.
For more information on the Shipment Order screen, see the Infor WMS Order Processing User Guide.