Moving pick detail records of a case ID to a drop ID

You can assign the pick detail records of a case ID to a drop ID within the Move Tote Cont. screen. You can assign the pick details to an existing drop ID record, or scan or type in a new drop ID record.

  1. Create and allocate a shipment order.
  2. Click the Pick Detail tab. See the Infor WMS Order Processing User Guide for information on creating and allocating shipment orders.
    Note:  There is no current drop ID assigned to the pick detail records.
  3. From the RF device select Main > RF Inquiry. The Inquiry Tasks (IQ) screen is displayed.
  4. Select CS Cont x Pick. The Case Inquiry (IQ1) screen is displayed.

  5. Specify the case ID to be assigned to a drop ID.

  6. To accept, press Enter twice. The CS IQ Result screen is displayed with the contents of the case ID in these.
    Case ID upon which an inquiry is being conducted.
    Name of the individual or organization storing the item.
    Item code.
    Quantity of item in the designated location.
    Drop ID associated with the case ID.
    Drop location of the item.
    Customer to whom the item is allocated.

    See the Infor WMS Inventory Management User Guide for more information.

  7. If multiple pick detail records exist in the case ID, press 6 (forward) or 4 (back) to scroll the list.

  8. When the item that needs to be moved displays, press (the letter) O. The Case IQ Options screen is displayed.

  9. Select Move Tote Cnts. The Move NSCID (MVCS) screen is displayed.

    For example, to move Case ID 0000000652 to a new drop ID called NEWDROP01, specify information into the new drop ID in the DROP field on the Move NCSID (MVCS) screen.

    After you press Enter to confirm, the application determines whether the drop ID you entered already exists. If it does not, the application prompts you to enter the location of the drop ID. In the current example, DOCK was scanned as the location.

  10. To accept, press Enter twice. The update is now complete.

  11. The drop ID information has been updated to the Shipment Order Picks tab.
    Note:  The result of the RF transaction can also be viewed in the Drop ID table. Select Execution > Productivity > Drop ID.