Barcode scanning optional fields

You can enable the optional pick quantity fields of Qty and Rqty through WMS Mobile Personalization and select a new case ID for a barcode scanning pick.

  1. On the Pick by Route (ECPKR2) screen, the system displays the Pack, UOM, Eqty (Expected quantity), SQty (Scanned quantity), Desc (Description), and Item.
  2. Scan the item or alternative item and press Enter.
  3. If you enabled the Qty field through WMS Mobile Personalization, you can enter the specified tally quantity in the Qty field. Press Enter.
    Note: When you enter a specified amount for the Qty, the SQty increases with that amount. If you scan an alternative item, the scanned quantity will increase based on the quantity from the pack.
  4. If you enabled the Rqty field through WMS Mobile Personalization, the remaining picked quantity is displayed. Press Enter.
    Note: The scanned quantity increases based on pack quantity and the same quantity decreases from the remaining quantity.
  5. If you want to request a new container for the Rqty pick, press F7. The system will display a confirmation message with Ok and Cancel options.
    • Selecting Cancel, the system will return to the Pick (ECPKASG2) screen.
    • Selecting Ok, the system will generate a new case ID. The new ID will be applied to the remaining quantity of the current or future picks for the assignment. All of the current pick details are updated with the new case ID details.
  6. You can abort the current picking process by pressing the Esc button. The TM Pick (TM83) screen will display where you can enter a Reason into the field. Press Enter and the current pick is updated based on the reason code.