Using Case ID pick (OP02A)

Use the Case ID pick option to quickly record picked cases, inner packs, or pieces. With this pick, you are not required to confirm the specific information during the pick. You must confirm only the case ID to pick.
Note: Because this option does not require specific confirmation during the pick, it assumes you are picking product from the correct pick location and that all products assigned to each case ID are picked correctly and in the case.
  1. From the RF device select Main > Picking (4). The Picking Tasks (PM1) screen is displayed.
  2. Select Case ID Pick. The Case Only (OP02A) screen is displayed.

    Specify the case ID to create during allocation.
    Note: If a Drop ID is not assigned, the Case ID becomes the license plate for the picked inventory. You can then move, pack, or load the picked product after the pick.
    Specify the drop ID for the pick.
    Note: Use a drop ID to assign your ID to the container that is created during the pick. This can be a smaller container such as a tote or carton or a large container such as a pallet. If a new ID (drop ID) is assigned during the pick, this becomes the license plate for the picked inventory. You can then move, pack, or load the picked product following the pick.
    Specify the new location for the product after the pick.
    Specify the carton type for the pick.
    Note: Press F2 to view a list of possible carton types. This displays a list of cartons for which the Display for Picking flag is active in the Carton Configuration screen.
  3. Press Enter to complete the pick.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all picks are complete.
  5. Press Esc.