Using barcode scanning for pick by route

The system verifies if the Barcode UOM Scan for the Pick flag is enabled.

  1. Select Picking from the RF device Main Menu. The Pick Menu (PM1) screen is displayed.
  2. Select Cluster Picking. The Cluster Pick (TM20) menu is displayed.
  3. Select By Route to specify the route ID. The screen Enter Route (TM81) is displayed.
  4. Specify this information:
    This field is optional. Specify a specific area to find open pick tasks. If this field is blank, the tasks are processed for all of the areas.
    Specify the route ID for the pick tasks.
    Seq (Sequence)
    Specify the sequence that will sort the picks. Reverse Stop will sort the picks in descending order and Stop will sort in ascending order.
  5. Press Enter. The Cluster Summ (TPKSUM) screen is displayed showing the results from the route ID.
  6. Press Enter. If the Barcode UOM Scan for the Pick check box is not selected, then the Pick by Route (TPKR1) screen is displayed. Refer to Accepting and completing assignment picking to continue the picking process.
  7. If the Barcode UOM Scan for the Pick check box is selected, then the Pick by Route (ECPKR1) screen is displayed.
  8. Specify this information:
    Scan the location from where the item is picked.
    Scan the license plate number associated with the product in the location you are picking to.
    Scan the case ID of the product to confirm the ID is correct.
    Scan the license plate number associated with the product in the location you are picking from.

    The system then displays the Pack, UOM, Eqty (Expected quantity), SQty (Scanned quantity), Desc (Description), and Item.

  9. Scan the item or alternative item.
    Note: Scanning the original item increases the quantities by 1. If you scan an alternative item, then the scanned and remaining quantities will increase based on the quantity from the pack.
  10. Press Enter. If the Over Picking allowed field is enabled, you can enter a specified quantity over the expected amount. The system removes the amount from Eqty and the Sqty increases with that amount.
    Note: If the field is not enabled, you will need to resubmit the pick by scanning a different item code that has an acceptable quantity.
  11. If you want to stop the scanning process or do a short pick, press F4. The system will display a confirmation message with Yes and No options:
    • Selecting No, the system will return to the Pick by Route (ECPKR2) screen.
    • Selecting Yes will confirm the scanning process.
      Note:  For short picking, the scan will confirm picking completion and compare the scanned and expected quantities. If the scanned quantity is less than the expected quantity, then the Enter Rsn Code (TPKRR) screen will display to enter a short reason code. Press Enter.