An ASN/Receipt is created by the host system used to record the finished goods receipt. The ASN is linked to the production order so the quantities of the finished goods item received automatically impact the quantities shipped of the components. The Initiating Document on the ASN/Receipt has the same value as the Reference Document on each component line on the shipment order. The database column, productionorderdocument, is also updated on the ASN/Receipt Detail line from information sent by the host application. This field cannot be maintained from the user interface because the host system must generate and maintain the documents.
Key information within the ASN header includes:
Production Order Status
This field is used to release Shipments for the "Finalize Close" process when the System Setting is used to manually close production orders. When "Auto Close" is configured for a warehouse, it is also used as a trigger to start the process when the field is updated to "Closed".