Production orders
The production order is created in Infor WMS as a shipment order by the host system. The detail lines are the component items used in the production process.
The Initiating Document on shipment order line for each component has the same value as the Production Order Document of the finished good item on the ASN/Receipt. The database column reference document is also updated on the Shipment Order Detail line from information sent by the host application. This field cannot be maintained from the user interface because the host system must generate and maintain the documents.
Key information within the production order header includes:
- Order Group
- Used to identify the Production Order schedule sequence. Supports sequencing Cherry Pick Multi LPN (CM) replenishments when multiple Production Orders are on a Production Line or with lines with different sequence priorities. Both Order Group and Requested Ship Date support sequencing CM replenishments and can be used individually or together. Sequences are sorted in descending order. A sequence of 1 or 10 will receive higher replenishment priority than a sequence of 2 or 20 when demand exists for both.
- Requested Ship Date
- Used to identify the Production Order start date. Supports sequencing Cherry Pick Multi LPN (CM) replenishments when multiple Production Orders are on a Production Line or with multiples line with different run dates. Both Requested Ship Date and Order Group support sequencing CM replenishments and can be used individually or together. Dates are sorted by calendar sequence. A date of 9/12/XXXX will receive higher replenishment priority than a date of 9/13/XXXX when demand exists for both.
- Stage
- Used to identify the Production Line for the order. Normally populated by the host system. This production line is also associated to speed pick locations used to stage inventory for the production process.
- Allow Over Picking
- This is checked to allow the quantity picked to be greater than the original order quantity. This needs to be turned on because the actual quantity used in production is rarely exact so an overage is sometimes received. This will be turned on during order creation if the system code for the order type Production Order has the user-defined field 1 set to 1.
- Production Close Process Required to Ship
- This flag prevents the order from being updated to "Shipped" status when the entire quantity on the order is shipped. This needs to be turned on so the order can continue to be updated to handle overages even if all the details ship. This will be turned on during order creation if the system code for the order type Production Order has the user-defined field 2 set to 1.
Key information within the production order detail lines includes:
- Backflush Indicator
- This is populated by the host system for items that must use backflush logic to automatically ship inventory as the finished goods are received. If the setting is Off, the item can be picked and shipped by an operator, or decremented by the ERP directing the shipment.
- Order Quantity
- This is the total quantity of each component item that is figured to be used to produce the expected output for the finished goods item.
- Component Quantity
- This is the quantity needed of the component item to create one unit of the finished product. This may be populated by the host system. If it is not populated by the host, the allocation process will calculate and update the field the first time allocation runs on the order. If calculated by the system during allocation, the calculation used is the Order Quantity on the shipment line divided by the Expected Quantity on the ASN/Receipt line for the finished good item on the associated production order. This quantity is eventually used to determine the quantity to "ship" of the component for backflush items.
- Production Quantity Received
- This contains a running total of the quantity received of the finished good. This is increased with every finished good receipt. All components on the same production order have the same production quantity received.
- Production Run-In Quantity
- This field is used exclusively for components that are associated with component replacement logic. The quantity is sent by the host system. It identifies a set start value based on finished item count, indicating when this component will start backflushing if backflushing is used. The value also is used with the Production Run-Out Quantity field to calculate the backflush quantity for replacement components. The field is viewable in the Shipment Detail List view preferences to allow the user to determine when one component will be depleted and the next one will start. Infor WMS logic will recalculate values when a scrap transaction causes an inventory adjustment the component quantity it replaces. Changes are reported to the host system.
- Production Run-Out Quantity
- This field is used exclusively for components that are associated with component replacement logic. The quantity is sent by the host system. It identifies a set stop value based on finished item count, indicating when this component will stop backflushing if backflushing is used. The value also is used with the Production Run-In Quantity field to calculate the backflush quantity for replacement components. The field is viewable in the Shipment Detail List view preferences to allow the user to determine when one component will be depleted and the next one will start. Infor WMS logic will recalculate values when a scrap transaction causes an inventory adjustment of the component quantity it replaces. Changes are reported to the host system.
- Original Item
- When a Replacement component is identified in the host system, it must supply the ID of the original component it will replace to tie the components together. (Note: The Is Substitute Item and Allow Substitute Item fields are not used for the production process).