Releasing Suspended Order(s)

To release a specific shipment order or a group of Shipment Orders:

  1. Select Outbound > Order Suspension. The Order Suspension screen is displayed.
  2. Enter selection criteria in the following fields to search the orders which need to be released from suspension and then click Search.
    • Customer Key: Owner/Seller
    • Order Key: Order Number
    • Order Status: The current processing status of the order
    • Suspended Indicator: Whether the Order is currently suspended or not. To release an already suspended order, this needs to be Yes
    • Item: Item Number on the Order
    • Lot and Date Code: Attributes of the line items

    The Order Suspension Results screen is displayed up listing all the orders matching your search criteria.

  3. Select the Orders to release.
  4. Click Actions > Release Selected Orders.
    The Suspended Orders indicator on these Orders is changed to No and these orders can continue further processing.
    Note:  The order can also be released from suspension by selecting Suspend > Suspend Off on the Shipment Order screen. You can perform this selection or you can use the interface of external host or ERP system.