Reviewing and maintaining dock assignments

To review and maintain dock assignment configuration records:

  1. Within the facility level, select Outbound > Dock Assignments > Maintenance. The Maintenance list view is displayed.
  2. If you want to filter the list of orders, specify the search criteria into the search field at the top of the corresponding column and click the Search icon, or click Screen Filter and select one of the following:
    • Dock Assigned Orders
    • Non-Dock Assigned Orders
    • Dock Assigned Conflicts
    • Dock Assigned Overflow
    • All Orders
  3. If you want to change the Door, Stage, or Packing value for a specific order, click the location value displayed within the corresponding column and specify a different location value.
  4. If you made updates within the list view, click Save.
  5. If you want to view and update the details for a specific order, click the applicable entry within the list. The Maintenance detail view is displayed.
  6. If necessary, update the order details, including the Door, State, Packing, and Priority, Load Staging First, and Load Staging Last values.
  7. If you made updates within the detail view, click Save.
  8. If you want to run the dock assignment process:
    • Within the list view, select the check box next to the applicable order and select Action > Dock Assignment.
    • Within the detail view, select Action > Dock Assignment. The Dock Assignment Type field displays the type of automatic dock assignment that occurred and the status of the update.
    Note: The dock location fields are enabled or disabled based on the status of the order.