Creating a new dynamic dock set
To create a new dynamic dock set:
- Within the facility level, select Outbound > Dock Assignments > Dynamic Dock Sets. The Dynamic Dock Sets list view is displayed.
- Click New. The Dynamic Dock Sets screen displays with header fields on the top portion of the screen and detail fields on the bottom portion of the screen.
Specify the header information:
- Dynamic Dock Set
- Identifying name of the dynamic dock set.
- Description
- Description of the dynamic dock set.
- Notes
- Specific notes pertaining to the dynamic dock set (optional field).
Specify the detail information for the first step:
- Step Number
- Sequence number of the step. You can specify a step number or keep the displayed default value. Initial default step number value is 10 with each new step added for the dynamic dock set incremented by 10. Note that the step number is important because steps are processed in sequence order. The locations specified on the first step are assigned first, the locations specified on the second step are assigned next, etc. After the final step, the process starts again with the first step.
- Door, Stage, and Packing locations
- Specify the door, stage, and packing locations, or click the Lookup icon and select the applicable location. Note that you must specify or select a value for at least one of the location fields.
- Active
- Select the Active check box if you want the detail to be active immediately.
- Notes
- Specify any notes pertaining to the step if applicable.
Save. The new dynamic
dock set is created and the first step of the dock set displays in the Detail
list on the bottom portion of the screen.
- If you want to create another step for the dynamic dock set, click the New button in the details (bottom) area of the screen.
- If you want to delete a dynamic dock set step, click the check box next to the step within the list you want to delete and click the Delete button in the details (bottom) area of the screen.