Creating a new dock assignment configuration record

  1. Select Outbound > Dock Assignments > Configuration.
  2. Specify this information:
    Static Dock Set
    Optionally, select the static dock set you that want to use for the facility (optional field).
    Dynamic Dock Set
    Select the dynamic dock set you want to use for the facility (optional field).
    Specific notes pertaining to the dock assignment configuration record (optional field).
    Auto Dock Assignment at Order Release
    Select the check box if you want the dock assignment process to run automatically when an order is released.
    Order Match on Ship To
    Select the check box if you want the order matching process to match on the order Ship To location in addition to the appointment, load, and route.
    Max Order Status to Match Against on Ship To
    If the Order Match on Ship To check box is selected, specify the orders that are considered during order matching. For example, if you select In Picking as the max order status value, orders that have progressed beyond the In Picking status are not considered for order matching.
    Overflow Door, Overflow Stage, and Overflow Packing locations
    Specify the door, stage, and packing overflow locations, or click the Lookup icon and select the applicable overflow locations (all three fields are optional). The overflow locations are used if suitable locations are not assigned during the automatic dock assignment process.
    Max Pallets Per Stage
    Specify the maximum number of pallets for each stage location. The number you enter must be >=0. The default number is 0 for new records.
  3. Click Save.