Generating a Bill of Lading number from the shipment order

You can generate a Bill of Lading (BOL) number within the shipment order. For example, if you want to generate the BOL number before you submit the BOL report, you can select the Generate BOL Number action within the shipment order.

To generate a BOL number:

  1. Select Outbound > Shipment Order.
  2. Click the Search icon to display the list of shipment orders.
  3. Select the check box next to the applicable order in the list.
    Select the applicable order. The order is displayed within the Shipment Order detail screen.
  4. Select Generate BOL Number option from the Actions.
    • The generated number is displayed within the Shipment Order detail header screen on the Misc tab in the Bill of Lading Number field. Note that if you select to generate the BOL number again for the shipment order, the BOL Number is updated. The BOL number is recalculated and regenerated each time you select the Generate BOL Number action.
    • When you generate the BOL number, the Bill of Lading Printed field (located below the Bill of Lading Number field) is automatically reset to No. The No field value reflects that the document with the newly generated Master BOL number has not yet been printed. You can manually set the value to Yes.
    • You can view the Master Bill of Lading number (located below the Bill of Lading Printed field) within the shipment order; but, it is view only. You can only generate the Master Bill of Lading number on the Load Maintenance screen.