Generating a production move without a move task created

You can manually generate moves for an item in a speed line location without creating a task move for it.

To perform a Production Move without a move task created:

  1. Select Move Items from the Prod Mgmt (POMP) menu. The Move Items (MI1) screen is displayed.
    Move Items MI1 Screen
  2. PressF4 - Gen Move Task. The Directed Move (MI3) screen is displayed.
    Directed Move MI3 Screen
  3. Scan or specify the item(s) that require a move task to be generated.
  4. After you have specified or scanned the items, press Enter.
    • The system validates that a move does not exist for the item and that the item has not been allocated.
    • If a move does not exist for the item and item has not been allocated, the message "Move tasks generated" is displayed. Press ESC to exit.
    • If a move does exist, the message "Move already exists for Item XXX in Location XXX. Move not generated" is displayed. Press ESC to return to the MI3 entry screen.
    • If an item has been allocated, the message "Item XXX in Location XXX is allocated. Move not created" is displayed. Press ESC to return to the MI3 entry screen.