Wave Control

The Wave Control menu option is similar to the work filter. You can select the Wave Control option to show more specific picking activity in the facility from the standpoint of waves and the status of each wave that meets the selection criteria. The left side display panel changes to the criteria entry, where you specify values for Wave, Load, and Area, including the use of wild cards. Click FILTER to change the facility display to show only the picks that meet the input criteria.

Expand refine results for the additional ability to sort by either carrier, date, loaded percent, picked percent, packed percent, status, or wave. The cards are sorted based on the value of the field in either ascending (lowest to highest) or descending (highest to lowest) sequence depending on the selection. The search functionality allows for additional criteria to be specified and searches for the indicated value in all the labels and fields of the wave card.

The results display in the right side of the page as individual tiles or cards for each wave. Each wave tile shows the wave, the description, in-process status, and carrier along with appointment date and time. The tiles are followed by three bar graphs showing the status of the wave and how much of the wave is picked, packed, and loaded. Each bar chart shows graphically the total number of pick tasks, the number of complete tasks, and a bar showing the approximate percent complete.

The wave tile also contains a graphical icon indicating if the wave requires attention:

Symbol description Alert text Alert description
Red circle with exclamation point Alert: Incomplete appt started This alert indicates that the appointment time for this wave has already started but the wave has outstanding work that is not yet complete. Check the bar charts for picked, packed, and loaded tasks to determine what work remains to be completed.
Yellow triangle with exclamation point Warning: Incomplete nearing appt This alert indicates that the appointment time for this wave is within the next four hours but the wave has outstanding work that is not yet complete. Check the bar charts for picked, packed, and loaded tasks to determine what work remains to be completed.
Green circle with checkmark Wave is complete This alert indicates that all outstanding work for the wave has been completed.
Arrow pointing clockwise Wave status in progress This alert indicates that the appointment time for this wave is more than four hours in the future. It also indicates that the wave has outstanding work that is not yet complete. Check the bar charts for picked, packed, and loaded tasks to determine what work remains to be completed.

Open the menu for the wave options and select from these actions:

Action Description
Release Release the wave.
Allocate Perform the inventory allocations for the wave.
Unallocate Remove the inventory allocations for the wave.
Hide Ghost the wave tile and move it to the end of the list of wave cards. Use this option when work on a wave has been performed to move other wave tiles to the top of the list.
Show Details Push the wave tile into the left half of the screen and open a tile for each order in the wave. Show Details allows you to view all the orders associated with the wave. The order tile contains the order identification, consignee, carrier, priority, and a bar graph showing the status of the order and how much of the order is picked. The picked bar chart shows graphically the total number of pick tasks, the number of complete tasks, and a bar showing the approximate percent complete.

When working with the order tile, you can change the priority of the order by clicking the priority arrow and selecting a new priority from the list.

Use the show facility icon to push the order tile under the wave tile on the left side of the screen to show the pick detail tasks in the facility. The facility view is updated to show the outstanding pick detail task locations in the facility while making all other locations transparent (ghosting).

You can also change the priority while the order card is on the left side of the screen. Click BACK TO SEARCH RESULTS to return the screen back to the previous view.