Copying a facility configuration to other facilities
You can copy an existing facility configuration to other facilities within the same enterprise.
To copy a facility configuration to another facility:
- Within the Enterprise facility, select Enterprise > Administration > Facility Management > Copy Warehouse.
In the From Facility field, select the
facility you want to copy from the drop-down list.
- If the selected From Facility is Enterprise, the following message is displayed: Enterprise to Facility copy will insert or update Enterprise Data only for the selected Enterprise and Facility Data tables. Facility Only Data tables cannot be selected.
- If the selected From Facility is a Warehouse, the following message is displayed: Facility to Facility copy will only insert new records into data tables selected in the Facility Only Data section and only update data tables selected in the Enterprise and Facility Data section.
In the
To Facility field, select
the facility you want to copy to from the drop-down list.
- The selected From Facility is not displayed in the To Facility list.
- The Enterprise facility is not available as a To Facility and is not displayed in the list.
Select Actions > Finalize to copy the data to the selected warehouse.
- At the prompt, click OK to copy the data to the facility, or click Cancel to dismiss the prompt and return to the Copy Warehouse screen.
- If you selected to copy the Enterprise facility data to a specific warehouse facility, all of the tables listed under the Enterprise and Facility Data heading are copied to the selected warehouse.
- If you selected to copy a specific warehouse facility data to another warehouse facility, the facility data is updated only in the Enterprise and Facility data tables you selected, and new records are added only into the Facility Only data tables you selected.