Defining Manual Statistics
Use the Manual Statistics tab to identify how to calculate statistics for non-system activities (System Activity = Other). You must configure manual statistics for activities that are not captured in the system transaction times (system activities). These statistics can be added for system activities to override the computed statistics.
For example, if you need to apply a value-added service to each order for a specific ship-to customer, you can configure this time as a manual statistic to override the calculated one.
The Recalculate Planning Est. job first accesses the computed statistics and then uses the manual statistics for overrides or for times that are relative to other activities.
The manual statistics do not apply to schedule-directed activities.
Matching criteria are provided to determine if the statistic applies to an order line. The Time value, Percent of another activity, and Addition to another activity statistic fields are evaluated and summed to produce the final statistic to use. You can use the three methods together.
- Sequence
- The sequence in which to evaluate the manual statistic lines. The lines in the tab are evaluated in sequence order. When a line matches, the matching line is used and the remaining lines are skipped.
- Owner, Supplier, Customer, Carrier, Item, Item Group, Order Type, Trans Mode
- The system compares the
values entered here with the values on the activity/task record and applies
only the statistics to matching records. A blank field is inclusive. The system
compares all of the possible values for the match.
Field Inbound Outbound Miscellaneous Owner Y Y Y Supplier Y N N Customer N Y N Carrier Y Y N Item Y Y Y Item Group Y Y Y Order Type Y Y N Transportation Mode Y Y N - Time (sec/unit)
- The total amount of time (duration) in seconds per unit. This uses the planning units specified on the general tab.
- Pct Basis
- The basis used for the Percent of Another Activity (%) statistic.
For example, to configure a packing or labeling activity as 20% of the picking time, you specify 20% in the Percent of Another Activity field and specify a value in the Pct Basis to Picking field. The system multiplies the picking time x .2 for the time of the statistic.
- Percent of Another Activity (%)
- This is the percent time added from another activity. This percentage is computed and used to calculate total time required for an activity.
- Addition Basis
- The basis to use for the Addition to
Another Activity (sec/unit) statistic.
For example, to configure a packing or labeling activity as 20 seconds longer than the time taken for picking, type 20 in the Addition to another Activity field and specify a value in the Addition Basis to Picking field.
You can select only an activity basis that is the same type, for example, inbound, outbound, and so on. You must be sure that no circular dependencies exist in the statistics configuration.
For example, do not base replenishment on picking and base picking on replenishment. Both the activity and the activity basis must share the same unit of measure for the volume determination.
- Addition to Another Activity (sec/unit)
- The time per unit to add to the total time from another activity.