Defining the Conditions Header Record

Each condition consists of a single header record along with one or more detail records.

To define a condition header record:

  1. Select Labor > Labor Standards > Operations > Conditions.
  2. Click New. The system displays the Conditions header/detail form.
  3. Specify this information:
    The ID for this condition. You use this ID to assign conditions to other configuration records.
    A descriptive name for this condition. This further identifies this set of conditions.
    Indicates whether this condition is active. If this check box is not selected, the system will not consider this condition when calculating standards even if it is included as part of an operation.
    The number of records currently using this condition. You can view these records on the appropriate tabs in the detail area
    Last Updated By
    The name of the user that last updated this record.
    Last Updated On
    The date on which this record was last updated.
    Any notes or comments about this condition.
  4. To add a detail to the condition, click New on the Labor Condition Details tab, and complete steps in Defining Condition Details. Otherwise, click Save to save the header information.
  5. Click Save.