Defining shift definitions

To define a shift definition:

  1. Select Scheduling > Facility > Shift Definition from the Labor menu,. The system displays the Shift Definition list view.
  2. Click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    The ID or name of this work shift, normally First, Second, Third, and so on.
    A detailed description of this work shift.
    Start Time
    The time when this work shift starts in 24-hour format (hours and minutes, hh:mm).
    End Time
    The time when this work shift ends in 24-hour format (hours and minutes, hh:mm).
    Labor Enabled
    Indicates whether labor planning is enabled for this shift. If this is not selected, this shift will not be available on the Labor Planning page.
    Sunday – Saturday
    The days of the week that are standard work days for this shift.
  4. Use the steps in the Defining breaks section to define standard breaks in this schedule. When you finish defining breaks, click Submit.