Logging on to an RF device

To log on to an RF device:

  1. Turn on the RF device.
    If the RF device starts in a command prompt, follow your company procedure to open the Login screen.
    Note: Contact your system administrator to find out how to open the RF Login screen.
  2. Specify this information:
    Specify the appropriate server name where the Socket Server is installed. The installer identifies a server for the facility. This field may be hidden from the user.
    Specify your login user ID.
    Specify your password.
  3. Click Enter.
  4. If your facility has more than one database, select a database from the list on the SELECT DATABASE (C1) screen.
  5. If your facility has only one database, specify the number of a database. The Infor WMS (M1) screen is displayed.
    Note: To select an RF device menu option, press the corresponding number. You do not need to click Enter