Screen groups

Depending on user permissions and facility restrictions, the WM module displays some or all the following screen groups.

Screen Group Description
Inbound Includes documents related to managing incoming items.

Allows users to create and process documents, such as purchase orders and ASN/Receipt.

Outbound Includes documents related to managing the outflow of items.

Allows users to create and process documents, such as shipment orders, facility transfers, and pick details.

Execution Enables the facility to manage inventory, productivity, and Task Manager activities.
Configuration Allows administrators to configure master records to accommodate the needs of the enterprise, individual facilities, and users.
Administration Enables the warehouse administrator to perform archiving and physical activities as necessary. This group is only available within the WM module if the user has warehouse administrator permissions.

Enables the warehouse administrator to set Infor WMS default options associated with specific features and to view supervisor application logs and alerts as necessary. This module is only available on the warehouse administrator’s Application Explorer.

Enables users to generate, print, and create new barcode labels.

Billing Captures data for billable services and creates invoices associated with the services.
Crossdock Maximizes inventory velocity through stand-alone crossdock facilities and full-service distribution centers. This feature is available in Infor WMS Warehouse Management only.
Work Order Allows distribution centers to add value to existing items, or to combine component items into finished goods or sub-assemblies. This feature is available in Infor WMS Warehouse Management only.