Screen toolbar

The screen toolbar displays buttons for the current screen. Some buttons are not available on some screens.

Buttons with drop-down lists

Buttons in the screen toolbar that have down arrows to the right of the button name display a drop-down list when clicked. Available options on each drop-down list vary according to the current screen and the state of the information on the screen.

Buttons that display a drop-down list of options when clicked include:

Button Description
Actions Displays a dynamic list of actions that can be performed on selected records in List view or on the current record in Form view. See Actions.
Reports Opens a list of reports available for the current screen.
Labels Opens a list of label configurations that you can print for the current screen.

Single-action buttons

Buttons that perform a single, specific function when clicked include:

Button Description
New Creates a new record or detail item. When you click New on the screen toolbar, the current screen is displayed in Form view. The detail screen can also open in Form view. When you click New on the detail screen toolbar, a new detail line is created. See Creating new records.
Save Saves information that you specified on the current screen.
Delete Deletes selected records in List view.

Other general screen buttons

Infor WMS Warehouse Management screens can have additional buttons that expand or collapse parts of the screen, toggle from one view to another, show more fields, or help you navigate multi-page screens. These buttons include:

Button Description

Preferences Icon

Displays the list view preferences pop-up screen. You can specify the number of rows that are displayed in the list view. You can also select (or clear) the check boxes next to the columns you want to add (or remove) in the list view.
List View Toggles to the List view counterpart of the current screen in Form view.
Page Navigation

Lets you quickly navigate through multiple pages of a list with buttons that go to the next page, previous page, last page, or first page of the screen.

Retrieves and displays the most recent information from the database.
Collapse and Expand



Collapses (minimizes) or expands the current list, header, or detail screen. You also can resize a screen by dragging a side.

Search Icon

Used from a list view screen to start the search process to display records meeting the search criteria entered.

Shortcut keys: ALT+C or press ENTER

Clear Search

Used to remove all current search criteria from the screen.

Shortcut keys: ALT+C

Advanced Sort

Advanced Sort Icon

Used to allow the user to select multiple fields to sort records listed.