Inbound Charts
Use this page to view current information in the form of pie or bar charts. Some screen groups in the WM module have dashboard chart. Click an area of a chart to open the relevant screen.
Menu groups that offer chart screens include the following:
- Inbound
- Outbound
- Execution
To open a chart screen, click a WM module group name.
The default information on the chart is for the current date.
To change the number of days to include on the graph, update the Number of Days to Include field.
To change the ending date for the displayed information, update the Last Date to Include field.
For the Shipment Order Status chart, the date range is based on the Requested Ship Date on the order.
For the ASN/Receipt Status chart, the data range is based on the Expected Date.
To select a chart type, select one of the following options from the Chart Type drop-down menu:
- Pie Chart
- Bar Chart
to update the chart display based on changes you make to the screen.
To open a related screen from the chart, click an area on the chart.