Performing task directed cycle counts – by item, location, and LPN

  1. Select Task Manager from the RF device Main menu. The Task Manager (TMM) screen is displayed.
  2. Select Standard. The Task Manager (TM) screen is displayed.
    Note: If the Labor Module within the WMS application is enabled and you did not select to start work, a message indicating that you need to start work before continuing is displayed. See the Infor WMS Productivity and Labor User Guide for information on starting and stopping work.
  3. Specify this information:
    Area in which the operator is working.
    By selecting Cycle Count, you restrict the task user to receiving cycle count tasks only.
  4. Press Enter. If applicable, the application sends the first cycle count task to the associate.

    The Cycle Count (TCC1) screen is displayed.

    Note: If the WMS Labor module is enabled, the standard time for the task is displayed on the screen.
  5. Scan or specify this information to complete the count:
    Location being counted.
    License plate being counted.
    Quantity counted for the count.
    Defaults to EA (Each). You can change the unit of measure if the quantity entered is in a different UOM format. For example, you can record the count in cases instead of eaches.
    Note: The upper portion of the screen is read-only, but you can edit the lower portion of the screen.
  6. Press Enter.

    The application determines the result of the count according to cycle class variances assigned to the item.

    Note: If no cycle class is assigned, no cycle class variances go into effect. If the count does not match the application quantity but is within variance, the Count Discrepancy message is displayed.
  7. To exit the message and return to the Cycle Count screen, press Esc.
  8. If applicable, repeat the count by entering modified values.
  9. To generate new inventory currently not in the system, press F3.

When you perform the task:

  • If the count quantity matches the system, the Count = System message is displayed.
    Note: You can press Esc to finish and accept the count. The Cycle Count Maintenance record is created. One header and one detail are created with the Posted status.
  • If the count quantity is within variance percentage set on the cycle class, the Count Discrepancy message is displayed. You must verify the Owner settings for auto adjustments:
    • If set to Neither RF Assisted nor RF Directed:
      • The Cycle Count header and detail are created with the Not Posted status.
      • If the task is counted again, a new CC detail record is created with the count information, and the status is set to Not Posted. This can happen multiple times.
      • You must manually post the record from the application. When posting is done, the system uses the CC Discrepancy rule to perform the adjustment to the correct Lot.
    • If set to RF Directed or Both RF Assisted, or RF Assisted:
      • Cycle Count header records are created with the Not Posted status.
      • If the task is counted again, a new CC detail record is created with the count information, and the status is set to Not Posted. This can happen multiple times.
      • You can press ESC to finalize the count and verify the Item for the CC Discrepancy rule.
      • The CC record is created without a LOT number. Therefore, when posting, the system uses the CC Discrepancy rule.
    • Count quantity is out of variance percentage set on the cycle class:
      • If set to Neither RF Assisted nor RF Directed:
        • If the counted quantity is over or under the variance percentage on the Cycle Class, the Count does not match system message is displayed. You must count all Lots and LPN’s.
        • Tasks are created for all Lot’s and LPN’s (similar to Item and Location count).
      • If set to Both RF Assisted and RF Directed, or RF Assisted:
        • If the counted quantity is over or under the variance percentage on the Cycle Class, these messages are displayed:
          • If the discrepancy quantity is under the System Count, the Count Discrepancy, Under Count Variance message is displayed.
          • If the discrepancy quantity is over the System Count, the Count Discrepancy, Over Count Variance message is displayed.
        • Cycle Count header record is created with the Out of Variance status, and the Cycle Count detail record is created with the Out of Variance status.
        • If the task is counted again, a new CC detail record is created with the count information, and the status is set to Out of Variance. This can happen multiple times. You must press ESC to finalize the count.
        • The CC record is created without a LOT number. You must manually have to post the record from the UI. When posting is done, the system uses the CC Discrepancy rule to perform the adjustment to the correct Lot.