New physical inventory process flow

These steps outline the typical flow of the new physical inventory process. (This process may vary in some cases.)

  1. Build physical count records: Based on the parameters specified within the New Physical Control screen, the current inventory populates the physical counts. See Specifying the initial parameters for the physical count.
  2. RF count entry: If RF is used to record the inventory counts, operators walk through the facility and perform counts in designated areas. The new physical inventory functionality allows for 1-3 teams to record counts and then compare results. See Entering count information via RF and Creating a new count record from the workstation.
  3. Workstation count entry: If a paper-based count process is used to record inventory counts, a workstation user enters the count information directly into the WMS application within the New Physical Entry screen. See Creating a new count record from the workstation.
  4. Count verification: Once all counts are entered, reports are run to identify variances that exist between team counts and the initial system inventory. Discrepancies can be addressed prior to posting the physical.
  5. Once all counts have been recorded and verified, the posting process (Actions > Post Physical) triggers adjustments to the system inventory so that it matches the physical inventory. See Posting the physical inventory.