Creating a cycle class

  1. Select Configuration > Codes > Cycle Class. The Cycle Class screen is displayed.
  2. Click New. The Cycle Class Detail screen is displayed in Form view.
  3. Specify this information:
    Cycle Class
    Identifies the unique class.
    Description of class.
    Number of days to complete the cycle. This value must be a number of days during which counting is performed during the cycle, not actual calendar days for the cycle.
    % Positive Count Variance and % Negative Count Variance
    Percentage that determines whether the counter receives an error when counting the items. An error displays when the counter violates the percentage set.
    Value Positive Variance and Value Negative Variance
    Prevents the counter from violating previously set product value (money) amounts. The item retail price is used along with the quantity for value variance check.
    Create Supervisor Tasks
    Creates Supervisor tasks if the user is out of variance on the task directed count.
    Supervisor % Positive Count Variance and Supervisor % Negative Count Variance
    Percentage that determines whether the counter receives an error when counting the items. An error displays when the counter violates the percentage set.
    Supervisor Positive Variance and Supervisor Value Negative Variance
    Prevents the counter from violating previously set product value (money) amounts. The item retail price is used along with the quantity for value variance check.
  4. Click Save.