Building a rainbow pallet for a move using the RF

You can build a rainbow pallet or Drop ID for all the LPNs in single or multiple locations by selecting Replen & Move > Build RB Pallet. When multiple LPNs exist in a single location, one rainbow pallet can be built in that location or a new location by entering only the FROM LOC. As an option, entering the individual LPNs in the FROM LOC can be done individually.

When LPNs in multiple locations exist, more than one rainbow pallet can be built. You can also move the LPNs to the same location.

After building the rainbow pallet, you can scan the LPNs to begin the putaway process to move to their final location.

  1. In the RF, select WMS Main Menu > Replen & Move.
  2. Select Build RB Pallet.
  3. Specify this information:
    TO ID
    Scan or specify the identification of the To pallet.
    To LOC
    Specify the inventory location for the drop ID, which is a temporary location for the move.
    Specify the location of the inventory to be moved.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Specify this information:
    Specify the license plate assigned to the product being moved. This field is required if you are recording the move by item number. If no LPN is assigned to an item, then an LPN is generated. The same thing happens for partial moves, a new LPN is generated for the quantity that is being moved.
    Specify the item to be moved.
    Specify the lot number associated to the item, or press F2 to enable the look up values function.
    Specify the quantity to be moved. If a license plate is specified and the entire LPN is being moved, you can input zero as the quantity.
  6. Press Enter.

    You can now perform an LPN move for the rainbow pallet.