To navigate the three-dimensional warehouse, use your mouse to manipulate the view. Use the mouse wheel to zoom, left click and hold to rotate, and right click and hold or use the keyboard arrow keys to pan.
Use the icon buttons on the toolbar to center the display, clear the display settings, refresh data, open the page in a new window, and ask for help.
The location is highlighted when you hover the mouse over locations; click to select a location.
The initial view shows all the locations associated with the default section of the facility. The selected menu option displays along the left side of the screen, while most of the rest of the screen shows the current facility.
Use the
menu to select which locations are shown on the screen and are available while using the other menu options. Selections and functions used to interact with the facility also remain in the subsequent displays until you change the section or reset the filters and display. The list includes all the sections from the section table configuration for the warehouse.Use the Using the View Criteria.
menu to provide additional details in verifying the proper facility configuration and data setup. Refer to